Monday, October 19, 2009

LET'S SEE.....

No pictures with this post. Just a bunch of things (with no details and in no particular order) that have happened recently: I was in a wreck. We celebrated my mother-in-law's 80th birthday. I stubbed my pinkie toe and came close to breaking it from the looks of it. (It's all purple and black on the side and bottom.) Worked two days last week at the Eastside Branch in Washington. I haven't been called to work there for over two years. Cleaned hangers out of our closet. Got my fingernails done. Went to eat at the Golden Corral in Bedford. Got a flu shot. Finally watched "Superbad". Paid some bills. Switched purses. Started reading a Dean Koontz book. Bought a couple of grandgirl coats. Wished I live next to Alton Brown. That's all I can think of for the moment. If you want details for any of these, let me know.


Lauren said...

I totally hear you on the pinkie toe. I stubbed both of mine within a week of each other and the last one was the most severe in which we are still recup'ing.

it looks a little worse for the wear.

herc said...

How bout some info on the wreck.