Wednesday, June 4, 2008


from Borger. As you all may or may not know, I'm down here in Borger for a specific reason. Well, TWO specific reasons, really. In the beginning, the reason I was coming at this particular time was for Kristin's dance recital.

Then, since I was going to be here this week and Shannon could use me to keep the girls out of the way, she scheduled the packers to be here this week. They were busy beavers today; but, they didn't get it all done by any means. Today they packed stuff out of all the closets and cupboards and some drawers. Tomorrow they come to load all the stuff they packed today onto the truck.
SOOOOOO...........after tomorrow sometime, I won't be able to post until I get back home which will be late Sunday evening. I'll most likely be too pooped by then to even want to look at the computer. I WILL have stuff to post, tho, when I get back to it. With these girls, there's always PLENTY to talk about (or, at least, quote.....LOL)

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