Thursday, August 6, 2009


that, even though a fancy sprinkler wasn't NEEDED, a fancy sprinkler WAS just as much fun as pouring water on ourselves and each other. (And not nearly as much work seeing as how they didn't have to run back and forth to the faucet!) There was one day when the two older grandgirls were with their other papaw and I had the two younger ones. They got along, for the most part.

But they DID seem to spend an awful lot of time on the porch for one reason or another. Mostly to say that it was cold.

Then they would run back down to the sprinkler for a while.

And then they came up to get chocolate from the little Momma and Nana.

THIS one kept coming up to the porch to say that she wanted a diaper on. I think she had to pee. She wouldn't go inside to the bathroom. It may be a while before she's potty trained. LOL

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I love that swimsuit.