Friday, November 13, 2009

I HAD TO GO.....

to a doctor's appointment in Bloomington 8:15 in the A.M.! Which means I had to get up BEFORE the buttcrack of dawn. It just so happened that Tylie stayed all night with us last night. She's not a morning person, either. She was an angel today, tho. We had already discussed stopping at Wal-Mart to spend her birthday money from Grandma Walton. She finally talked about something that she really wanted.....not just a vague "toy".....a Barbie Pop-out Camper. Because I had to get her up so early, she fell asleep on the way home. (And, yes, I pulled off the highway to take this picture!)


Lauren said...

she's getting to be such a good girl. I know Willie would be so proud of her :D

love you and thanks for the Snugglettes for my girls!!

Shannon Walton Biggs said...

So stinkin' sweet! Gott love the hand on the Barbie Camper. It's like a guy asleep with the remote!