Tuesday, November 10, 2009


couple of days this past weekend. Tylie came Saturday a little after noon. We played all afternoon and then went out to eat Saturday evening. Of course, we engaged in the obligatory trip to Wal-Mart. Earlier in the day, she and I had decided that we didn't like the gum in the gumball machine. SHE wanted to put strawberries in it. I thought that perhaps we should stick with something smaller and not so prone to rot. I suggested either M&Ms or jellybeans. She chose jellybeans. She also helped me dust a bit and decided that she wanted a swiffer duster to use in her bedroom. So we started a list. On the list was: jellybeans, strawberries (she just wouldn't give up), juice, a toy (duh) and a swiffer duster. We ate at Ponderosa and she yelled "Hi" at everyone who walked past our table.

The next morning, we went to church. And then came home to kill some time before we headed to Bloomington. We had decided to take her to the children's museum up there. We left home in time to eat lunch before the museum opened. Cracker Barrel sounded good to us. Naturally, we had to wait to get in and spent the time enjoying the wonderful weather and the rocking chairs.

The museum was great. She ran from one thing to another and then back again for two solid hours.

There were two stories in the museum and an elevator to use. Believe it or not, she seemed to be MOST excited about riding in the elevator. We made SEVERAL trips up and down.

While we were there, some folks put on a demonstration of Korean percussion instruments. They explained about what the different instruments were, the Korean name for them, how they sounded and what element of the weather they represented.

There were two drums and two gongs.

They were VERY loud and Tylie spent the whole time with her left ear pressed against my shoulder and my left hand pressed against her right ear. She didn't want to listen but she watched the whole thing.

The last thing she did before we left was to make a drum. There were some students there from Bloomington North High School Japan Club helping the little kids. Ty colored the plates and then the students put them together.

It was a GREAT day. The only way it could have been any better was if there had been FOUR little girls with us instead of one.

1 comment:

Shannon Walton Biggs said...

She looks SO BIG!! Museum trips are always nice. Glad you guys had a good time.