Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Just as soon as I really start liking something and get hooked on it, they decide to discontinue it. It's happened with perfume (twice), lipstick, blusher, face powder and now Coke Blak. I really like that stuff. How could it be any better? Coke AND coffee in one bottle. Plus, the bottle is just the right size.....8 ozs. When I was in Texas back in December, I found out that they were going to stop making it. I bought up what they had at the local grocery store (which wasn't that much) and left what I didn't drink at daughter's house. When I went back to daughter's in May for a week, she reminded me that there was still some in her pantry. WOOHOOOOO!!!!! Four beautiful little bottles waiting for me. I've looked on e-Bay, but those people are cuckoo. One person has one bottle and it's going for something like 12 bucks. Another person has four bottles and the four are going for 16 bucks. Now, I DO like Coke Blak but not THAT much. So.....if any of you readers happen to have some that you'd like to get rid of or know of someone who has some, let me know. And don't even think about trying to charge me e-Bay prices. You wanna get rich off of a couple of bottles of Coke Blak, do it on e-Bay. (Thank goodness they've brought TAB back.....*sigh*)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It could only happen to you!!