Thursday, April 17, 2008


telling all about Borger, TX with aerial pictures from Google Earth. But you couldn't see ANYthing, so I took it off. I will just TELL you about Borger for the time being. It's kind of sad that I'm just now getting around to writing about Borger. Our daughter and her family have lived there for almost 4 years and they are getting ready to move to Washington State. So, for some reason, it hit me to write about Borger. I guess maybe because this is my next to last trip EVER to this small Texas town.
Borger is located almost smack dab in the center of the Texas panhandle.....about 45 miles northeast of Amarillo. (Daughter and her family moved here in 2004 because of her husband's job. He took a position with Conoco Phillips at the Borger Refinery.) And it's right at 1,000 miles from Loogootee. We could drive there in about 16 hours if we had to (or even if we didn't have to and just wanted to get there in a hurry.)

Now, this is the third place in Texas that Shannon and Ryan have lived. They have lived in Houston, Corpus Cristi and Borger. And, of the three, Borger comes closest to being "Texan". (or at least what I thought of as "Texan" before my daughter became one)

All around Borger there are ranches.....real, honest-to-goodness Texas ranches; the kind of ranches whose fences go for miles and miles.....the kind of ranches that are so big that you never see the cattle when you're driving by. I've had REAL Texas barbecue in a little restaurant that began life as a convenience store/gas station and whose cook boasted blue-ribbon-winning barbecue (the proof was right there on the wall). Not much was done in the way of remodeling except to put in a dining counter and some tables and chair. And I ate it properly, too.....with brown beans and cole slaw and the "barbecue sauce" in a bottle on the table. (Apparently, barbecue is a METHOD of cooking rather than a recipe.)
It's late.....more about Borger tomorrow. I'll hurry and finish my travelogue 'cause I KNOW none of you will sleep until you've read it all. Nighty night.
(For the love of John, I wish someone could tell me how to get spaces between ALL the paragraphs!!)

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