Wednesday, April 23, 2008

OH, MAN (a la Swiper).....

I so wish I had a tape recorder in my head. Well, I guess, technically, I do.....but the tape is getting worn out.....ya know what I mean? Words don't stick to it like they used to. When I'm around these little girls, I need a more reliable one. We had such fun last Saturday and Sunday. SOME of the stuff I'll be able to remember; but, not nearly all of it. This morning, on the way to take Kristin to school, those two were sitting way in the back of the van "reminiscing" about trips they had taken by plane. (They are THREE and FIVE for goodness sake. I was 50 before I ever got to go through all that security rigamarole ["A complicated, petty set of procedures" per]) They were remembering where they sat and with whom (Mom or Dad) on a couple of different trips. There was even one trip that Hannah got to take that Kristin didn't. When Tony had the heart attack, Shannon came to Indiana and only brought the two younger kiddos. Kristin had to stay home because of school. And what she remembered about that week was that: KRISTIN "Dad had to fix my hair." NANA "Did he do a pretty good job?" KRISTIN "He used HIS hair brush!" (Oh to have been a fly on the wall THAT week....LOLOL) I most likely could win that 10,000 smackers on AFV if only I had had a video camera attached to my forehead this week. You may assume that I've had a good laugh once or twice while I've been here. When they're playing together, (inside-outside-in the tub) it's a hoot to listen to them when they forget that you're there watching. There is NOTHING like being a grandparent. It defies description.

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