Friday, April 18, 2008


roadrunners. Did you know that? I think I might have heard that they have them here. But, I actually saw one today. Running down the middle of the road. Go figure.....

Texas is also famous for long-horn cattle. (They don't generally roam the roads.....but I've seen them penned up along side the roads.)

Meet the armadillo. Affectionately referred to by me as the Texas 'possum. They are just as ugly and you more than likely will see them lying in pieces along the side of the road 'cause they're too dumb to recognize death when it's barrelling down on them at 65-70 miles an hour.

Texas also has lots and lots of snakes, scorpions and tarantulas (none of those creepy, crawly, potentially life-threatening .....THINGS deserves a picture. Besides, I'd probably pass out from a severe case of the heebie-jeebies before I could get them uploaded).....yes, I said tarantulas. Ask Shannon about tarantulas sometime. Oh.....and when you do, also ask her about scorpions. Oh.....and SNAKES, too.....LOLOL (Now I'm wondering what kind of icky things live in Washington State.)
But, if I were to ask you what you thought of when I said "Texas", I'm pretty sure you'd say........cowboys (no not the Dallas ones). And, as far as I can tell all the cowboys look pretty much the same. Here are Buster and Bob. (I surfed around a little bit looking for cowboys. That's how I know they all look pretty much the same. Altho, I did find ONE that was a little different than the rest. And I think he looks like MY kind of cowboy.)

Please don't ask how I got from roadrunners to semi-naked cowboys. It even scares ME to think about that.

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