Tuesday, April 29, 2008


before we leave there forever. I know you've all heard of tumbleweed. And they've got it. Everywhere. You see it rolling along the highway, across parking lots and up against the hedges in people's yards. This one below was against Shannon's neighbor's hedge across the street. (It's that dead-lookin' brown thing in front of all the green. No, not the FLAT dead-lookin' brown thing; that's the lawn. The ROUND dead-lookin' brown thing.)
I thought this was a rather interesting billboard. Not strictly something Texan or Borgerish; but, that's where I saw it.
Now, the majority of the homes built in Borger don't have basements. The soil around there is just too rocky for it to be easy to dig one. Borger is ALSO right in the middle of "tornado alley". So, the people there have a dilemma.....what to do when the tornadoes come. And it's not a question of IF but rather WHEN. They WILL come. One of the more inventive business men in the area has come up with a solution. He's marketing septic tanks as storm cellars. Rather appropriate, I'd say. If I saw a tornado coming, I'd probably sh*t myself by the time I got to the storm cellar.
Oh, and Borger even has a place to SKATE!
Well, that's pretty much it for Borger. It was a nice place to visit ('cause I had a good reason to visit); but, now it's going to be nice to visit Washington state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to thank you for being nice in your words about my hometown.
There is still something innocent about Borger. It's a great little town, and a nice place to grow up. I always felt safe growing up there. It's not the most beautiful place in the world, but it will always be home to me.
Please come back to Borger anytime you can. You and your family will always be welcome!